Sunday, September 14, 2008

Government Control isn't always Bad

Sometimes the government intervenes in our free market society. Take for example Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin, whom recently wrote a letter to the major wireless carriers (AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon) asking each of them Whats up with pricing? His letters ask specifically; Why have prices on text messaging doubled since 2005? The size of texts has stayed at 160 characters and the technology hasn't changed... so why the doubling of the price?

Thats what senator Kohl wants to find out. He doesn't think these companys should raise the cost because it takes away the competition from the consumers, whom rely on competition for the best prices. Kohl asked for a reply by October sixth, so we will hear more about this next month.

Depending on their replys, which most (if not all) of them will be loaded with bullshit excuses, will determine the reponse by the government...
Time will tell.

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