Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stop US Internet Censorship

     Today, Congress holds hearings on the first American Internet censorship system. This bill can pass. If it does, the Internet and free speech will never be the same. Join all of us to stop this bill.

Website Blocking
- The government can order service providers to block websites for infringing links posted by any users.
Risk of Jail for Ordinary Users
- It becomes a felony with a potential 5 year sentence to stream a copyrighted work that would cost more than $2,500 to license, even if you are a totally noncommercial user, e.g. singing a pop song on Facebook.
Chaos for the Internet
- Thousands of sites that are legal under the DMCA would face new legal threats. People trying to keep the internet more secure wouldn't be able to rely on the integrity of the DNS system.

As we all know, anything the Government gets their hands on, goes to complete shit. In the words of blogger Steve Suranovic:
"Private businesses are continually subjected to the vagaries of the market. While demand may grow steadily for long periods, unexpected shocks invariably hit from time to time. The 2008 recession is the latest episode of falling demand in a wide range of industries. The immediate effect for business is falling sales and reduced revenue. To remain in operation, businesses have no choice but to cut costs as quickly as possible. "

Just like the healthcare debate/bullshit, the government has it's own agenda, and it doesn't care about you, as an individual. This bill would do things to protect media that is stolen from motion picture companies and music labels, so it does have a good aim, although, I don't think the government should step in.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Apple doing TV Transformation

     Well, i have been predicting the change, or mutation, of the TV into what would be a TV Computer combo. Steve Jobs, according to LA Times article by David Sarno on the 25th. The article goes on to explain why Apple would get involved in such a competitive market... to improve it. If you seem confused about the improvement that could be done.

UPDATE: as of the second week of Nov. 2011, it seems XBox has beat apple to the first punch with their introduction of their controlling with your voice. They call it Kinect and it has voice recognition. As far as the software itself, I'm not sure if Microsoft developed it or some other party. The reason I said "first punch" above is because Apple has a way about perfecting things.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Verizon's LTE vs. Sprint's WiMAX

As of 8/14/2009 I wrote up this halfass post on cell phone technology... didn't like it, so I never posted. Today I'm throwing it out there as a post, old info or not, with the hopes that I will follow this with updated post, soon.
     Chances are good your familiar with the term 3G, the wireless generation. As you may know, it's not even fully nation wide. Now, 4G is attempting to squeeze in. Maybe it's the same battle such as Betamax vs. VHS, or Blue-ray vs. HD DVD. The victor becomes the standard and the flop becomes dead weight for the company who supported it. In this case it's Sprint supporting WiMAX and Verizon supporting Long Term Evolution (LTE). The difference is similar yet very different in some many respects.

Accuracy as of August 19, 2009
As you can see the spread of WiMAX greatly overwhelms LTE currently as of this writing. (Shaded area does not mean coverage area).

Lets start with WiMAX, as it already has roots in sixteen states. It's backed by Intel Capital, Comcast, Sprint, Google, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House Networks.

Now we have LTE, which just finished initial testing of 10 sites in Boston and Seattle.
