Sunday, July 19, 2009

Microsoft Office neighbors Google Docs

     No longer will Google's Docs be 'alone' on the web. Although, there are a few generic less mainstream alternatives like Thinkfree and ZoHo. Microsoft Office 2010 will be joining it. The surprise here is that it will also be free. Yes, that comes to quite a surprise to me. After all, Microsoft will be losing valuable revenue loss from the project. Although, Google is working on a operating system that could potentially rival Microsoft. Microsoft is adding online support for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Word will apparently be able to edit photos and Powerpoint will include the additional feature of video editing, surprised? am I. Thats as much as I know at this point.

Chrome: Browser turned Operating System

     Google is in fact, an innovative company, at least in my eyes. Google is now on the brink of releasing their very own OS called Chrome... yes, named like the web browser. This OS will be based on the linux kernel but will ultimately be something completely new. The focus of the OS is speed, simplicity, and security. The OS will be released as open source during the second half of 2010. I'm guessing the release of Office 2010, (which if you haven't heard, will be entirely web based) will arrive around the same time. That reminds me of something Paramendra Bhagat of Netizen says:
Google took over with Search. Microsoft responded with Bing. Google countered with the Chrome Operating System. Microsoft answered with Office 2010. It is called Capitalism 101.
I couldn't have said it better.

People talked and Google is listening. A huge amount of people use their computer solely for internet access. For example, a friend of mine was recently looking for a laptop computer to replace his old slow desktop. First question I ask: What do you need it for? He replies with: Basically just the internet, oh and maybe Word and Excel. Ah... Chrome and Office online comes to mind immediately. He didn't want to wait so he just settled for a 298 US dollar compaq from Wal-mart. I said go ahead and make the purchase, just don't install Photoshop or Final Cut on the thing! Basically, the trend is going towards web based software that is powered through the ever improving Web Browser. I'm looking forward to trying out Chrome.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Google Wave... coming soon.

     Google Wave is the name being given to a new comunication tool Google likes to think of as a email replacement. As far as I'm concerned, I do believe it resembles mostly a mesh between facebook's message program and Apple's iChat featuring Bonjour. The way it incorporates facebooks message style is that it's a collaboration between multiple users that is stored on a remote server. Each user involved has the ability to leave a message for all the other users and leave the message remaining after logout. The way it resembles Bonjour is that it also lets users see the other person typing in real time, each character as it is pushed.

     A few things are unique to Wave, in a way. Users can reply to any portion of the conversation, instead of just the last thing said. (Like on a message board, hitting reply to a specific comment). Although, this playback feature is something new. Apparently a user with be able to play the conversation as if everyone was there at the sametime to see how the communication developed. I can see how this would be useful for a user that missed a large portion of the conversation.

     Right now this doesn't seem like anything big and its a rather small and simple concept... just like the wheel. My point being, Google is pushing developers to use this feature to their advantage. To incorporate it into every imaginable facet of everyday life.
Get notified its available