Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hulu Computer Application

     Hulu has jumped the gun, finally on creating a free program available for download on Mac ≥ 10.4 and Windows ≥ XP. The purpose of this program is to utilize the full hulu database of movies, show, clips, and trailers through a step back approach maybe on your couch with your computer hooked to your big screen, or maybe just a few feet from your keyboard.

Hulu Labs has released this beta download and of course encourages feedback. To me this is the start of the merge of browser and TV. Although there have already been a few products to start the move. This is a bigger step with the capability to browse and type with only six buttons. The Apple IR Remote is supported as well as Windows Media Center remotes. The menu is a little rough to understand at first, mainly because a feature video starts automatically whenever you open the program. That isn't my favorite feature, to say the least.

Overall though the Hulu Labs team is doing a swell job and I like what I see, so far.
Download for Mac
Minimum requirements: Intel Pentium Core Duo 2.0GHz, At least 2.0 GB of RAM, Mac OS X v10.4 or later, 2 Mbps Internet connection, Flash 9.0.124
Download for Windows
Minimum requirements: Intel Pentium Core Duo 1.8GHz, At least 2.0 GB of RAM, Windows XP or later, 2 Mbps Internet connection, Flash 9.0.124

Monday, May 18, 2009

NIN App Later Approved

     This is an update for the previous post in which Apple denies the iPhone App for NIN. Apple has actually went back on it's word and approved it now, reason... no idea.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Apple Denies NIN iPhone App

     Its come to my attention that iPhone Software Developer Agreement has some flaws. At least that's what I'll call them for now. Anyways, as you could tell by the headline, The band Nine Inch Nails has recently (2 days ago) been informed by their developer that their iPhone App nin: access has been denied. Now mind you nin already has an app avalible version 1.0 for free, but this is an updated version 1.0.3, with more features.

There has been many other cases in which apps have been denied, and even recently a "baby shaking" app was APPROVED then later banned. Apple stands strong on trying to be unoffensive to its customers, and that includes apps it supports. The main reason the app was denied was because of the song "The Downward Spiral" which has some swearing and mentions death. Their singer Trent Reznor (from Mercer, 60 miles north of Pittsburgh) had this to say about the denial:
Now, "The Downward Spiral" the album is not available anywhere in the iPhone app. The song "The Downward Spiral" I believe is in a podcast that can be streamed to the app. Thanks Apple for the clear description of the problem - as in, what do you want us to change to get past your stupid fucking standards? And while we're at it, I'll voice the same issue I had with Wal-Mart years ago, which is a matter of consistency and hypocrisy. Wal-Mart went on a rampage years ago insisting all music they carry be censored of all profanity and "clean" versions be made for them to carry. Bands (including Nirvana) tripped over themselves editing out words, changing album art, etc to meet Wal-Mart's standards of decency - because Wal-Mart sells a lot of records. NIN refused, and you'll notice a pretty empty NIN section at any Wal-Mart. My reasoning was this: I can understand if you want the moral posturing of not having any "indecent" material for sale - but you could literally turn around 180 degrees from where the NIN record would be and purchase the film "Scarface" completely uncensored, or buy a copy of Grand Theft Auto where you can be rewarded for beating up prostitutes. How does that make sense? You can buy The Downward Fucking Spiral on iTunes, but you can't allow an iPhone app that may have a song with a bad word somewhere in it. Geez, what if someone in the forum in our app says FUCK or CUNT? I suppose that also falls into indecent material. Hey Apple, I just got some SPAM about fucking hot asian teens THROUGH YOUR MAIL PROGRAM. I just saw two guys having explicit anal sex right there in Safari! On my iPhone! Come on Apple, think your policies through and for fuck's sake get your app approval scenario together.

     Pretty strong emotions from Trent, I would say. He brings up a few points. Why does Apple even allow their song on iTunes to begin with? Apple, how ever long they decide to keep this particular approval process going, will have a bias opinion and will never really make all users happy and unoffended by every app that it allows. People of all backgrounds will be offended by even the most "innocent" apps available.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Unknown Artists

So here I am cruising the web and looking for something interesting, which I always find, sometimes it just takes longer than other times. Anyways, I find it! And today its called Noise Trade, a website offering not so mainstream music for purchase. The site was started in 2006 by artist Derek Webb,and a few associates, because he wanted to share his music. With no luck, he started giving it away online. Okay, just like amazon or iTunes... whats the big deal? Well, thats when I get to the good part. You can either A.) Purchase with any monetary amount you want or B.) Share the music with 5 friends! Bam... Free Download.

Although there are a few downsides... For one, searching is a bit general, using A-Z, Recent, and Top Downloads. And many artists your familiar with aren't on there. Which is basicly the best part of the site, finding new unknowns that could become your daily jam.

Have a Listen: